I'm a Doctor of mechanical engineering with a focus on turbulent fluid mechanics. I have a love of old tools and taking the time to make things with care. In my free time I enjoy rock climbing, designing 3D printed machines, and furniture joinery. I'm self-motivated with 10+ years of research experience including 3+ years at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Comfortable with multiple programming languages, high-performance computing, and hands-on experiments. 10+ years of CAD design and rapid prototyping experience in industrial and laboratory settings. Please feel free to read about my research interests and check out my project highlights.

Research Interests

  • Spatial heterogeneity: Use geometric complexity as a framework for understanding chaotic systems.

  • Wind plant wake dynamics: Identify underlying mechanisms of plant wake evolution and model wake interactions between neighboring wind plants.

  • Vegetated canopy flows: Link canopy spatial structure to local boundary layer development and turbulent transport phenomena.

Project Highlights

MEAT LAB Tiny Tunnel

Custom wind tunnel design with hot wire gantry and high speed camera during data collection.

MEAT LAB Scale Wind Turbine

Yaw, tilt, and pitch controlled experimental scale turbine design.